♥ I live and love enveloped by the unique beauty of the California High Desert so breathtakingly exemplified by nearby Joshua Tree National Park. My husband Dennis and my children Joe and Lily animate my world and, like the Joshuas, fuel the fires of my creativity. I invite you to gaze with me through cactus flower-colored glasses at our adventures and misadventures as we continue to explore High Desert culture, symbolism and reality, past and present. ♥ I am passionate about crochet, which I first learned as a child and have missed in intervening years. Under the thrilled tutelage of my mom, Thimblelina, I recently dusted off my beloved Grandmother's hooks and will share the things I am learning with you here. ♥ Please feel free to peruse my Etsy shop where you will find crocheted baby and toddler hats, bonnets and gift sets as well as my High Desert-inspired creations. A portion of net sales of my desert designs will go to the Joshua Tree National Park Assn. to benefit their programs. ~ Heather

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yes, another new blog

I know.


And I don't blame you for thinking that.

Here's the deal. Not two days after I created this blog, I found out from my husband that we may be moving soon due to a job transfer situation. Not TWO DAYS. I figured I'd better get a new blog going that was not location-sensitive.

I'm well aware that I appear to be the biggest flake in the history of blogdom with all of the recent blog creations and transfers and whatnot, but I assure you that I am not. What I am, unfortunately, is a perfectionist to the point of near-ruin! I'm going to work on that - with YOUR help. If I can smell that a situation is not right, I just can't pursue it. I've simply wasted too much of my time in the last couple of years on well, learning experiences. As such, I suppose that time wasn't completely wasted but still I'm looking to build and grow instead of eternally repeating certain processes. What I want is someplace in blogdom to call home, to sit down and put my feet up and stay for the long haul. Someplace that so completely fits my life and my philosophy of being that nothing could our would ever make it irrelevant so that I might have to uproot myself yet again, losing cherished contacts and followers in the process.

I believe I finally found it! I love the Blogger setup that I found through High Desert Hooker, so I'm sticking with that. It's so very social, and everything's all linked (Blog Following, Google Reader, Analytics, Picasa, etc.). I'm giddy about it. I'll still be keeping this blog open as long as we continue to live in the High Desert for my high desert craft-related posts, but for the rest of it all, and for family posts, I will be at my new home for the long haul, Happymaking. I will also be transfering the placement of my non-desert related Etsy creations to my new Happymaking Etsy shop.

Thanks for sticking with me. We'll laugh about this someday.


Paula @ Organizing Tips For Moms Monday, February 23, 2009 at 6:38:00 AM PST  

Hey, I envy your ability to go with something new. I'll keep following you as long as I don't lose track of you.

Heather at My Coupon Coop Monday, February 23, 2009 at 8:57:00 AM PST  

Thank you Paula! Way to look on the bright side.

Hi Idot! Thanks, I see you found me at Happymaking.

Dawn Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 11:08:00 PM PST  

Dude, I don't think you can top THIS blog name, but go for it :)

Anonymous,  Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 8:23:00 AM PST  

Good luck with the new blog!
Ive redonemy oreview blog and plan on doing more with it!

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