I figured out how to get Joe to eat vegetables!
I've been practicing baby led weaning with Lily, but seeing as how she's mostly been playing with the food and not actually consuming it, which is more or less okay at this age, I decided to buy some organic pureed veggies for her to try. (Yes I know I can make them myself, and I will give it a go next time around.) As a pleasant side effect of this process, I've discovered that Joe wants to eat anything and everything I try to feed Lily! He has been a typical toddler lately, not wanting anything except for yogurt, cheese, Cheerios, etc., and it's been worrying me to death. Now I see a light at the end of that tunnel! Next time around - green beans??
Is that carrot baby food in his hand?
Is that a baby spoon in my water glass?
Are those carrots on his face and *gasp* in his mouth?
And like 8 new baby spoons! Yay!
I think you just might be onto something!! I bet if I spooned a bunch of pureed veggies into some empty baby food jars that I still have laying around, my kids would eat it!!
Do you mind if I add your site to my blogroll? Maybe it can send a little more traffic to your Etsy shop...love the knit hats!!
Hey, now there's a good idea! Makes it seem more "fun" somehow.
And why on Earth would I mind? Thank you, I appreciate that! (H)
That is wonderful! So glad to see that he is veggie monster! I wish that woud work on my 9 year old:)
I wish that would work on my 36 year old.... He never did like veggies - still doesn't. But then I'm not in charge of him anymore and he's alive and well after nearly 4 decades of a veggieless diet.
Just wait until the kids go through the I ONLY EAT HOTDOGS stage to be followed by I HATE HOTDOGS stage and the I ONLY WANT CHICKEN NUGGETS followed soon after by CHICKEN NUGGETS ARE GROSS stages ...
good times.
hi heather... :D
Hey, whatever works! My son was a picky eater growing up but my daughter would eat good. Now she has 3 daughters of her own that have luckily always eaten good. The oldest has always loved spinach and would cry if she could not eat it for breakfast AND cold out of the can! She has been pureeing veggies, especially sweet potatoes for her youngest 9 mth old. She loves them!
Nice Blog
Well, there you go! Give Lily what you want Joe to eat and Bob's your uncle!
And maybe when Lily's bigger you can reverse that and they'll both be eating great, each others' food - but great!
(Oh, that's an Australian expression. Which you may already know. Some don't.)
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