♥ I live and love enveloped by the unique beauty of the California High Desert so breathtakingly exemplified by nearby Joshua Tree National Park. My husband Dennis and my children Joe and Lily animate my world and, like the Joshuas, fuel the fires of my creativity. I invite you to gaze with me through cactus flower-colored glasses at our adventures and misadventures as we continue to explore High Desert culture, symbolism and reality, past and present. ♥ I am passionate about crochet, which I first learned as a child and have missed in intervening years. Under the thrilled tutelage of my mom, Thimblelina, I recently dusted off my beloved Grandmother's hooks and will share the things I am learning with you here. ♥ Please feel free to peruse my Etsy shop where you will find crocheted baby and toddler hats, bonnets and gift sets as well as my High Desert-inspired creations. A portion of net sales of my desert designs will go to the Joshua Tree National Park Assn. to benefit their programs. ~ Heather

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Joe loves our hat modeling sessions

Firstly, I'd like to take a moment of stunned silence to address the window coverings in the photos below. I did not pick them out. They were there when we arrived. I'm not good with windows - they scare me. And so they've stayed.

There. Now that we got that pesky business out of the way, I am compelled to let the world know what a wonderful boy my son Joseph is. Much to his father's chagrin, he simply loves our hat modeling sessions. Even when Lily is the model of the day, he likes to participate by grabbing whatever hat he can find and jumping into the shot.

Is that drool on his shirt? Yes, and that's okay. He's two for the love of God. Nice blowout flash on Lilyface, Heather.

If the hat doesn't fit, we must acquit! And thank goodness I learned after the previous flash fiasco.

This hat hasn't made it to Etsy yet. I've been trying to perfect my crocheted starfish. (It's going to be a beach hat.) But look how sweet Joe is - he's concerned that she might be falling forward in her Bumbo chair and is comforting her.

Here Lily, look at the flower Grandma gave Mom and Dad for their anniversary. You like?

Ahh, my baby boy. I love my little dumplings. Thank you sweet Jesus for plopping them into me belly!
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Anonymous,  Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 10:12:00 AM PST  

bald-headed, chubby cheeked babies are the best. if those kids don't sell those great hats, then america really is going to hell.

ps. love the drool shirt. give him character

Marie Reed Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 2:51:00 PM PST  

Your kiddies are the cat's meow! My youngest was a BIG drooler:) His big brother used to wail, 'I've been slimed!'

Anonymous,  Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 7:19:00 PM PST  

omg Heather, they are so freaking cute!

Jannie Funster Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 8:24:00 PM PST  

Those window coverings are the ones of my dreams!!! Please send them to me ASAP and I'll send you a dachsund in return. I'll even throw in the cat.


BOTH children are absolute the BEST models ever.

High Desert Hooker Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 7:55:00 AM PST  

You ladies are so sweet, thank you very much!

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