♥ I live and love enveloped by the unique beauty of the California High Desert so breathtakingly exemplified by nearby Joshua Tree National Park. My husband Dennis and my children Joe and Lily animate my world and, like the Joshuas, fuel the fires of my creativity. I invite you to gaze with me through cactus flower-colored glasses at our adventures and misadventures as we continue to explore High Desert culture, symbolism and reality, past and present. ♥ I am passionate about crochet, which I first learned as a child and have missed in intervening years. Under the thrilled tutelage of my mom, Thimblelina, I recently dusted off my beloved Grandmother's hooks and will share the things I am learning with you here. ♥ Please feel free to peruse my Etsy shop where you will find crocheted baby and toddler hats, bonnets and gift sets as well as my High Desert-inspired creations. A portion of net sales of my desert designs will go to the Joshua Tree National Park Assn. to benefit their programs. ~ Heather

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 x 6 Tag!

Holly Jahangiri over at Do I Have to Spell it Out tagged me with a new meme. Okay, she actually tagged another blog of mine, How to be a Woman, but since I haven't been over at that blog in centuries, she said it was okay to respond to the tag here.

Rules: Choose the 6th image out of your 6th picture folder from your computer and blog it. Then tag 6 more people to do the same.

Oh my Heavens, this does put the fear in me. Okay, going for a look now.

BOY did I luck out. I mean really. Not that this is such a great photo mind you, buuut. Well. Never mind.

In any case, here's how it went...

I went to "My Pictures" and selected the 6th folder, "Coachella 2006".

Then I selected the 6th photo starting from the top, going right.

And here it is, folks! Me thinking I'm being funny by pointing to the word "Virgin" in the sign above me. Before you judge me, please think about it for a minute. Does this seem like the sort of juvenile frivolity that I would have hatched up? Or does it smell more like my husband Dennis aka man behind the camera? Thought so.

Here are the folks I'm tagging:

Connie's View

Cindy Crochets

Crochet Liberation Front

Every Day Crochet

I'm Living Proof that God has a Sense of Humor (Love the new look, Helene!)

Who's the Boss?

Have a wonderful day! :)


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